Month: October 2019

The Daddy Diary 2: The Heart of Rock and Roll

I recently read “Father Elijah” by Michael O’Brien. It’s a novel about a group of Catholic Priests and Cardinals at the time of Apocalypse. Despite the fascinating plotline, characters, and backstory, my main take away was: these guys prayed all the time. I mean… Continue Reading “The Daddy Diary 2: The Heart of Rock and Roll”

The Daddy Diary 2: Tom Petty was Close

You take it on faithYou take it to the heartThe waiting is the hardest part Hearing that your baby girl has a severe heart defect is an emotional punch to the gut. Hearing that she has four heart defects is like taking a line… Continue Reading “The Daddy Diary 2: Tom Petty was Close”

The Daddy Diary 2: The Correlations

A positive correlation exists between the number of medical staff in your daughter’s hospital room and your resting heart rate. When I walked in the first thing in the morning and saw six people in scrubs hovering around my daughter, my resting heart rate… Continue Reading “The Daddy Diary 2: The Correlations”

The Daddy Diary 2: A Perfect Pair

Don’t you love how some things just belong together? Chocolate and Peanut butter. Hamburgers and French fries. A glass of red wine and another glass of red wine. One Direction concerts and boredom. Jerry Jones and unconventional grammar.

The Daddy Diary 2: Leave it to my Little Girl

Leave it to my little girl to decide to join the world three weeks early. And leave it to her to break Mommy’s water just as Daddy sat down at a pub to join some friends. Committing the ultimate fatherly sacrifice, I left my… Continue Reading “The Daddy Diary 2: Leave it to my Little Girl”