Month: November 2021

The Best Funeral Ever

“Who here sees themselves getting married someday?” Mine was the only hand that did not go up.  Gregg, the counselor on staff at my church, was speaking about relationships to a group of about thirty adult singles.  I was not trying to stir the… Continue Reading “The Best Funeral Ever”

Never Say Never

When Michelle and I got married, we made a vow that we would never let pets or children sleep in the bed with us. Even after we got our first baby, Gus the bulldog, we held that vow. For eight days. All it took… Continue Reading “Never Say Never”

Well, I Had a Good Run.

I ran my first marathon about 20 years ago. There is nothing like the feeling of crossing the finish line at a marathon.  Even if you can’t or won’t run a marathon, do yourself a favor and sit at the finish line of a… Continue Reading “Well, I Had a Good Run.”