Month: March 2022

Waxing Nostalgic

I’m getting older and more nostalgic as I go. It’s probably not healthy to spend so much time thinking about or dwelling on the past, but all it takes is hearing a few notes from a song, hearing someone quote a line from a… Continue Reading “Waxing Nostalgic”

We’re Doing This

Everybody likes achieving goals, but you typically have to face a challenge to achieve them. Whenever I’m confronted with a challenge, I always have a plan of attack. I run away like a sissy and hope that the situation magically goes away. I didn’t… Continue Reading “We’re Doing This”

Writing Her Own Story

Everybody knows the story of the prodigal son. I always felt bad for the older brother in the prodigal son story. The prodigal son is the main character in one of the most famous stories ever told, but the older son didn’t even get… Continue Reading “Writing Her Own Story”