Month: February 2023

Places in the Heart

As I sat with Ella at Braum’s last Friday, I looked around the room and realized that we weren’t the only ones there with a Braum’s story. I see the elderly man who comes in every Friday at 4:45. He sits at the same… Continue Reading “Places in the Heart”

Fridays at Braum’s

When I pick up Ella from school, I walk into her classroom, and I’m typically met with a triple shot of “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” as she runs up to me to give me a hug. One Friday last year, I picked up Ella from… Continue Reading “Fridays at Braum’s”

While This Guitar Gently Weeps

When you have a child with disabilities, you live your life in two places, Wonderland and Sadland. Wonderland is where I live when I’m with Audrey and she just giggles and laughs all the time.  Sadland is where I think about her disabilities and… Continue Reading “While This Guitar Gently Weeps”