Month: April 2023

No Sigh of Relief

Life with a medically complex child is almost always more inconvenient than with a healthy child, but there is one exception – triage. Walking into the ER at Children’s Medical Center with Audrey is like walking into the hottest ultra-douchey nightclub on Opening Night… Continue Reading “No Sigh of Relief”

The Morning After

Moving sucks. The packing. The lifting. The ensuing lower back pain. The stress. The arguing. 71% of all couples file for divorce the week after completing a move. Okay, I made that stat up, but it feels true. Actually, that number seems too low… Continue Reading “The Morning After”

Moving Day

It’s moving day in the Hunt household.  I’m finally making the inevitable trek to the suburbs. In all my previous moves, I looked for locations that were a short driving distance to my office and strategically located close to bars and restaurants.  Now, I… Continue Reading “Moving Day”