Category: Uncategorized

Father’s Day

“What do you want to do for Father’s Day?” Michelle asked. “Nothing,” I replied This is my sixth year as a Father, but I don’t see Father’s Day as a day for me. It still feels like it’s supposed to be a day for… Continue Reading “Father’s Day”

Brace Yourself

Frequently my mind goes back to the first few months we spent in hospital after Audrey was born. After each new diagnosis, I prayed, “Please let this be all for her.” Each time I prayed, I never got the answer that I wanted. And… Continue Reading “Brace Yourself”

I Saw the Sign

When I was single, my three biggest fears were: I thought having any one of those would take away my soul. Now, I routinely drive a minivan through the suburbs chauffeuring around two small children. Instead of driving to meet friends at the local… Continue Reading “I Saw the Sign”

Take My Advice

If I could give advice to anyone on how to get ahead in life it would be “Be Cute.” You can get away with anything if you are cute enough. I’m speaking from observation here, not experience. Nobody used to tell me Gus was… Continue Reading “Take My Advice”

Shots Anyone?

Sometimes you have to do something that makes a child cry even though it is good for them. That’s why I make Ella watch Dallas Cowboys’ playoff games with me. I’m getting her used to disappointment at an early age so it won’t hurt… Continue Reading “Shots Anyone?”

Part of Your World

One of the great things about being a girl dad is I’ve had the pleasure of watching The Little Mermaid 1438 times since Ella was born. And for each 24-hour period following each viewing, I’ve been asked to say “Alexa, play Under the Sea” so… Continue Reading “Part of Your World”

Dear Dad

Dear Dad, It was seven years ago today that you went to heaven. Sometimes it seems like forever ago, and sometimes it seems like yesterday. I will never forget that Thanksgiving day when Amy called me and said I needed to come to the… Continue Reading “Dear Dad”

This Too Shall Pass

I wrote this a couple of months ago, but I never posted it because I didn’t think it was good enough. It was just okay, but I wanted it to be perfect. I spent days trying to make it better, but I just couldn’t… Continue Reading “This Too Shall Pass”

Happy Birthday, Ella

Six years ago today, you made me a daddy. Anyone who says there is no such thing as love at first sight wasn’t there when you were born. My heart melted the first time I saw your face. You had me at hello. And… Continue Reading “Happy Birthday, Ella”

The Correlations

As I stepped into Audrey’s room, one of the doctors asked me to wait outside.  She said that Audrey’s blood pressure was extremely low, and she was worried.  I learned that a positive correlation exists between the number of medical staff in your daughter’s… Continue Reading “The Correlations”