Category: Uncategorized

My Happy Place

Things I’ve learned during the shelter in place: People who own big, exotic cats are bats–t crazy, and Carol Baskin is guilty of murder. 2. The fact that people are hoarding toilet paper to deal with a respiratory virus makes me think that the… Continue Reading “My Happy Place”

Words I Wish I Had Written

“If it’s not Scottish, it’s Crap” – Mike Myers Many years ago I read a column in the newspaper written by the mother of a special needs child.  At that time, getting married and having a child, much less a special needs child, was… Continue Reading “Words I Wish I Had Written”

A Toddler, a Baby, and a Bulldog

Random thoughts compiled since we brought Audrey home from the hospital: I can handle anything with a lot of prayer and Velvet Hammer. I’m tired. All the time. If I could bottle the energy in my toddler, I could instantly wipe out the entire… Continue Reading “A Toddler, a Baby, and a Bulldog”

It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right

Sometimes it takes two tries to get it right. You might not get exactly what you want the first time, so you give it another go. That’s why there are starter homes, starter marriages, and Weekend at Bernie’s 2. Our first attempt to bring… Continue Reading “It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right”

Throw Back Thursday – Measuring Babies

From Daddy Diary 1: Ella Tales ( from 2017) I’ve noticed that we have lots of measurements about newborn babies.  We measure birth weight, discharge weight, length, APGAR (just google it if you don’t have children).  By the way, Ella got a solid 8 on the APGAR scale.  It should’ve been… Continue Reading “Throw Back Thursday – Measuring Babies”

Letter to Santa

94 days. 95 if you count the night in Presbyterian Hospital where she was born. Just think, we started writing this chapter before football season even started. At times I wasn’t sure if this book was going to be a comedy or tragedy. I’m… Continue Reading “Letter to Santa”

Home for the Holidays?

Not yet. Open-heart surgery, stomach-eating bacteria, sinus surgery, profound hearing loss, coloboma in both eyes, six blood transfusions, having to feed through a feeding tube attached directly to her stomach, and withdrawal from pain meds. She’s made it through all of that, but we… Continue Reading “Home for the Holidays?”

Throw Back Thursday – Ella Tales

The Daddy Diary – To Kill a Mockingbird A parent will do anything to get their baby to go to sleep.  I tried singing, but my soothing rendition of “Enter Sandman” by Metallica wasn’t working on  Ella.  So, I had to switch to a… Continue Reading “Throw Back Thursday – Ella Tales”

Be Careful What You Ask For

Have you ever asked for something you really wanted and then after you got it thought, “Wait.  This isn’t as good as I was expecting.”  “ I really want to get this job” turns into “Geez, my new boss is a total douche.” “… Continue Reading “Be Careful What You Ask For”

Observations of Life in the ICU

Observation #1 In order to work as a nurse in the Cardiac ICU, here are the following requirements.  You must: Be 25 years old Look like you are 12 years old Be really nice Really love babies Own a pair of clogs or running… Continue Reading “Observations of Life in the ICU”